Anne Hairston-Strang

  • Posted Wednesday, 4th, 2015   By:   Category:

AnneHairston-StrangAnne Hairston-Strang has been the forest hydrologist with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service since 1997. She coordinates the Forest Watershed Program statewide, which includes watershed forest restoration, conservation, and streamside forest buffer establishment. Anne works with a variety of partnerships to improve water quality, healthy watersheds, invasive species control, tree planting in communities, and habitat
conservation, including Potomac Watershed Partnership and the Chesapeake Bay Program Forestry Work Group. Anne has a B.S. in forest management from Virginia Tech; an M.S. in forest soils from the University of Minnesota, and a Ph.D. from Oregon State University in forest hydrology. She served on the National Research Council committee on Hydrologic Impact of Forest Management from 2007 to 2008, is a licensed Forester in Maryland, and long-time member of the Society of American Foresters. She is a native and current resident of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and enjoys growing native plants by the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.


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Potomac Watershed Partnership

c/o Cacapon Institute
Contact: Frank Rodgers, Executive Director, Cacapon Institute

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